International business leaders widely acknowledge that expanding a business to the United States will open significant new growth opportunities, technical advancements, and financial benefits. However, many business owners have found it difficult and expensive to set up and operate a US subsidiary. Obstacles typically include facing risks of heavy capital investment in the early development stages, lack of access to local US capital, and unfamiliarity with American business regulations and the local business environment.
Sunshine State Enterprises LLC can address all those concerns and is positioned to assist our business partners in selected industries to establish operations in the United States.
For more than a decade, deciding where to build a manufacturing plant to supply the world was simple for many companies. With its seemingly limitless supply of low-cost labor and an enormous, rapidly developing domestic market, an artificially low currency, and significant government incentives to attract foreign investment, China was the clear choice.
Now, however, a combination of economic forces is fast eroding China’s cost advantage as an export platform for the North American market. Meanwhile, the U.S., with an increasingly flexible workforce and a resilient corporate sector, is becoming more attractive as a place to manufacture many goods consumed on this continent.
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